
stuff in my head and on the web

M42 convertor and Helios 44mm lens

Posted by websitesarelovely on Friday, 27 July 2012

I bought the M42 convertor a while ago, to be able to use old camera lenses on my Canon 550D DSLR - I was always too nervous to use it, for fear of damaging my primary camera.

A few weeks ago I tried it with a 50mm fixed lens, and it worked brilliantly, so I have been experimenting (very briefly) with other lenses. This one is a Helios 44mm fixed lens, that I bought at a car boot sale, attached to a Praktica B200 electronic SLR camera. This camera also had an older convertor fitted, to convert the screw fit lens to a Praktica bayonet fitting.

I haven't had much time to experiment, but I plan to use analogue lenses more often, it's a cheap way to get a new look to my photographs - the convertor and lens together with the Praktica camera cost me around £8!


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About me

Neil Richards aka websitesarelovely aka jetpac magazine.
web designer by day - everything else the rest of the time.
photographer, designer, print, web, (ex-painter), magazine contributor, husband, godfather, got fatter, etc..

run(ish) my own online magazine:
decided to split my flickr personality and add my illustrative work:

corporate(ish) site showing my 9-10 years of web design for some quality companies in the games industry and corporate big-hitters:
my flickr photos

anyway - enough about me, tell me about yourself.


stuff in my head and on the web